Calculus & Halloween Cupcakes
10/31 was Halloween, but that holiday isn't really celebrated in Uganda.
Dorcus had started sitting next to me for a few minutes after breakfast each day and asking what the good word was for the day. On this day, I was reading Philippians 4, so we talked about that. She made me homemade donuts for breakfast. Pretty much everything here is homemade. I did a HIIT workout after breakfast, and Rachel took my laundry.
I went to math class with Fahad, Dorothy, Faith, Wilbur, Grace, Jemima, and Patience. It was like a self taught lesson for the s6's. They had no teacher and were just reviewing for their UNEB exams. We went through some calculus and stats problems. They kept asking me to do really in depth problems that I forgot how to do haha. The only thing that I contributed was telling them not to use the x symbol for both the variable and the multiplication sign because it will confuse the exam markers. They need to use x for the variable and *, a dot, or parentheses for the multiplication symbol. At least, that is what we were always taught!
During class, I asked Grace how many s6 students they had to see if maybe I could get some friends and family to send Christmas cards from the US. He said that there were roughly 50 of them and that I should make them success cards instead. He explained that success cards are given to candidates to wish them luck on their big exams. We wrote down all the s6 students' names and combinations. After class, Shanita gave me a hug and told me that she loves me and that she is so happy that I am here. Aww💛
I walked to the staff room and ended up sitting by Rogers. He spoke like a foot away from my face and had a whole leg on my chair. Good morning to you too, Rogers 😂. Thank you for the personal space 😂. We talked about PE and net ball, a game that I've never played before but that is common in Uganda. He told me that some of the staff were making fun of me because I wasn't eating lunch with them haha. I would have eaten with them, but I had already told Mary that I would be eating at home. I grabbed a biology packet with a lesson plan and notes from Stephen and then went home for lunch.
I don't know why I documented the fact that Dezi got shocked by an outlet, but I guess I thought it was important to put in the blog 😂. She and I worked on math for awhile until I had to leave for Rachel's biology lab that I promised I'd attend. I walked into the lab and students lined the tables. There were so many people in one room!! I took some shots of them performing their lab, and then they starting posing for photos. They all wanted their picture taken and even asked me to print them out for them. Sorry guys, I don't think that printing out 80+ photos is something that Andrea is going to allow me to spend the school's money on 😂. Additionally, what happens when the other hundreds of students catch wind that I will print photos for them 😂.
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