Tracy's Story in Kaliro
11/1 I walked over to the kitchen for breakfast and was so excited to see Dorcus preparing a rolex. I talked with her about drive thrus, explaining that it's called a drive thru because it's not necessary to get out of the car. She was shocked and said, "Ahh! You have easy life." And, in so many ways, we do! I went with Andrea, Haril, and Solomon to Kaliro, where Musana is building another high school. Cory, Musana's director of communications and marketing in the US, had asked me to capture some pictures and videos of the construction. After seeing the secondary school campus, we headed to the primary school campus in Kaliro. The kiddos were SO cute and wanted to give fist bumps. Andrea kept saying, "Bonga" when she fist bumped them, and I asked her if that was Kiswahili. She said that she wasn't even sure if it was a real word, but that's what she was taught 😂. After visiting the primary school, we drove to Tracy's house. Tracy is a girl...